3 Trendy Styles for a Residential Roofing 2018

62231-Chicago Residential Sheet Metal Roofing Services | Residential Roof
62231-Chicago Residential Sheet Metal Roofing Services | Residential Roof

The style of your residential roof plays a significant part in the overall look and mood of your house. There are various factors to consider in choosing the right roof for your abode, and this includes materials, style, and innovative elements, such as how it can contribute to energy efficiency.

If you are looking into making a huge home improvement, and planning to spice up your home exterior with up-to-date to roofing trends, you might want to dial your local Chicago residential sheet metal roofing contractors now. For your reference, here are three trendy metal roofing styles, especially for a residential roof, that would make your neighbors look up:

Metal Sheet or Panel Roofing Cool Colors

Back in the 70’s, many people had the fantasy of having over-the-top, edgy, and futuristic trends not only in fashion but also in housing and technology. Who would have thought that the idea of being a basic and neat minimalist would come back in the 21st century? The trends are becoming simple, clean, and professional-looking.

For residential roof styles, the sheet-like metal panel roofing still reigns as one of the top choices if you would like to achieve a stylish and tasteful look. This style is a safe, contemporary choice preferred by architects and works best in cool colors such as forest green, Oceanside blue, or in an elegant buckskin brown. As this is a conventional design, various Chicago residential sheet metal roofing services offer consultation regarding this.

Metal Victorian Roof Shingles

Keeping it classy and elegant with Metal Victorian Roof Shingles adds a graceful aesthetic to your house. Today’s generation is often fascinated by the artistic highlights of the 18th and 19th century. The captivating beauty of Victorian-era made people believe that it was the “Second Renaissance Age.” The allure of its design is still recognized by architects due to its timeless elegance when installed as a residential roof. Make sure to contact reliable Chicago residential sheet metal roofing experts for this.

Green Roof

Green roof, also known as a living roof, has been sprouting in the big cities of United States as a modern and innovative roofing option. It is the type of roofing wherein you sow and grow plants on your roof which can keep energy costs down during the hot summer days.

Have you ever noticed the green roof on Chicago’s city hall? To do this, you will need sturdy structural support for your residential roof and upgrades might be necessary in case of old houses. Furthermore, maintenance of the plants is also an essential factor to consider when choosing this style.

Roof renovation can be a massive investment as it gives a significant impact on the overall look and structure of a house. The research and development of modern roofs aligned in helping to achieve sustainability in style have been continuous worldwide. To keep up with the latest roofing trends, reach out to the highly-experienced craftsmen from Sheet Metal Roof Chicago.